日本で大学卒業後、2003年サンフランシスコへ。心理学を学ぶ中、何気なく始めたヨガが、心に大きな変化をもたらしたことに気づき、さらに深く探求するよう になる。サンフランシスコでアシュタンガヨガ、アヌサラヨガを学ぶ。ニューヨークでダーマミートラヨガのティーチャートレーニングを修了。カリフォルニア大学で、 障害者のためのヨガセラピークラスのアシスタントを務める。カリフォルニア、日本、インドでヴィパッサナー瞑想合宿に参加。サンフランシスコでヨガ指導を開始。
その後、音への興味を深め、ヨガと音楽を学ぶため渡印。毎年半年インドに滞在、リシケシでマントラ詠唱、ヴァラナシで北インド古典声楽ドゥルパドをPt. Ritwik Sanyalより、サンスクリット語をDr. Vagish Shastriより学ぶ。日本、オーストラリアで、マントラのワークショップやコンサートをする。
Through Mantra, Kirtan and Indian Classical Music, Yuki became interested in the power of sound. She studies Mantra Yoga in Rishikesh and Dhrupad (Indian Classical Vocal) and Sanskrit in Varanasi. She regularly travels and gives workshops and concerts in India, Japan, and Australia.
After finishing university in Tokyo, she went to San Francisco to study Psychology, and started Yoga. Realizing its powerful effect on mind, her exploration of Yoga began. Starting with Ashtanga Yoga, and later training in Anusara Yoga with Katchie Ananda, she later went to New York and completed 200 hour teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra. Through yoga, she began Kirtan and mantra chanting, and reunited with the joy of singing. While in San Francisco, she completed several Vipassana meditation retreats, and started teaching Yoga.
Coming back to Japan, she taught yoga in studios in Tokyo and on the beach in Kamakura. She also interpreted a number of workshops and teacher trainings for yoga teachers from abroad such as John Friend of Anusara Yoga, Sharon Gannon & David Life of Jivamukti Yoga, Paul & Suzie Grilley of Yin Yoga.
Later as her interest in sound became deeper, she went to India to study yoga and music. She spends half the year in India studying Mantra Yoga at Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh, Dhrupad (Indian Classical Vocal) from Dr. Ritwik Sanyal, and Sanskrit from Dr. Vagish Shastri in Varanasi. She teaches gives concerts and teaches in Japan and Australia.
Yuki learns Butoh from Yoshito Ohno in Japan.
After yoga, she found another way to connect body and spirit, which is Butoh.
with great guru butoh dancer, Kazuo Ohno, 2008, who passed away 1 June 2010
(Photo by Seiji Tanaka)
(Photo by Seiji Tanaka)